Chairman of the Legislation, Licensing and Certification Committee of the Internal Auditors Bureau and until recently Profession and Greenblatt chair at the Hebrew University’s Sacher Institute of Legislative Research and Comparative Law. In parallel to his extensive academic career, Prof. Shetreet serves as President of the International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace, nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2013. In addition, Prof. Shetreet held many political positions: served as minister in the government of Yitzhak Rabin RIP as well as in the following government Headed by Shimon Peres, in the capacities of Minister of Science, Minister of Economy, Minister of Religious Affairs and the Minister responsible for the Second broadcasting authority. Elected deputy mayor of Jerusalem in 1999. Prof. Shetreet published over 20 law books and over a hundred academic papers in the world’s leading law journals. Prof. Shetreet earned an LL.B. and an LL.M., from the Hebrew University (Magna cum laude), as well as an M.A and Ph.D from the University of Chicago school of Law. In December 2014 Prof. Shetreet was elected member of the Royal Academy of Belgium for Sciences and Arts.