A Message From Our Founder

Izak Parviz Nazarian passed away on Wednesday, Rosh Chodesh Elul, August 23, 2017, surrounded by family and friends. CECI, Citizens’ Empowerment Center in Israel, which he founded with the intention of creating a better future the State of Israel and its citizens, will .continue to act according to his vision

In 1948, I had the privilege of fighting in Israel’s War of Independence. My service in contributing to the establishment of the State of Israel has been one of the most important and formative events of my life.

In 2003, as an avid, proud supporter of the State of Israel, I created the “Citizens’ Empowerment Center in Israel” (CECI). CECI is a non-profit 501(c)(3), apolitical organization, dedicated to helping usher in a better future for our country.

Israel has been richly blessed from its humble beginnings. Today, the State ranks as a dominant force on the world stage and is a leader in many areas, including technology, medicine and art. Our good fortunes include a thriving economy as well. We are also very proud of the fact that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. However, we must not neglect the public’s civic rights and obligations in a democratic society, namely the citizens’ ability to utilize their voting power in order to exact influence on the decision-makers.

Democracy is not only a system of government, it is a vehicle that should protect the rights of citizens and promote their welfare. In order to implement the principles of democracy in the best possible way, we need brave, visionary leaders, who assume responsibility towards their voters. These dedicated men and women need to invest their utmost energy and work for the benefit of the country to ensure high quality, professional governmental systems.

The Citizens’ Empowerment Center in Israel (CECI) dedicates its efforts towards achieving this vision, while diligently working to equip the next generations with the tools and foundations they will need to ensure it comes true.

Over the years, Israel has overcome many challenges. The Jewish people have survived due to their spirit and strength. These attributes – love of country, heritage and moral values – form the foundation of Israeli society.

We are committed to further strengthening these values in order to ensure the future strength and stability of the State of Israel.

This has been, and will continue to be, the legacy of the Citizens’ Empowerment Center in Israel (CECI).


Izak Parviz Nazarian

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